To ensure Auckland's wider community was involved in decisions about our port's future development, an independent and collaborative study was commissioned to look at long term options for meeting Auckland's port needs.
The Port Future Study was made up of business, industry and community groups, marine recreation and heritage associations, environmental organisations, special interest groups and mana whenua.
The study was completed in July 2016.
Find out more about the reference group and the consensus
working group.
In April 2015, I initiated an independent study into the long-term future of the Ports of Auckland.
My objective was to identify how to bring seaborne freight into and around Auckland with a full consideration of the social, environmental, economic and cultural costs and benefits placed on the community.
To ensure the study's conclusions are widely accepted, the council and I agreed that it would be independent of the council and therefore steered by members of the Auckland community who are likely to be directly and indirectly affected by the ports operations.
It is expected that the Port Future Study will be completed by July 2016. I look forward to receiving an authoritative and reliable study on which Aucklanders agree that their council can base decision making on the port's future.
Len Brown
Mayor of Auckland