Port Future Study

Port Future Study reports

Consensus Working Group recommendations report

The study's Consensus Working Group submitted its recommendations report to Auckland Council in July 2016.

The report will be formally received by Auckland Council at the Auckland Development Committee meeting on Wednesday 6 July 2016.

Consensus Working Group recommendations report file (PDF 1.3MB)

As part of its work over the study period, the Consensus Working Group commissioned consultants to analyse options for the future of the port. The consultant's report was appended to the Consensus Working Group's recommendations report.

Consultant's report to the Port Future Study (PDF 5.4MB)
Appendix (PDF 7.4MB)
Peer reviews and bridging document (PDF 2.02MB)

Port Future Study scope

The Port Future Study scope directed the consultants in their work to provide an analysis of options for the future of the port. Their work formed the evidence base for the recommendations that the consensus working group made to Auckland Council in July 2016.

The Port Future Study scope was finalised by the consensus working group in September 2015.

Port Future Study scope (PDF 101KB)

Port Future Study is an independent study commissioned by Auckland Council

© 2015 Port Future Study